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2002-08-07 - 2:36 p.m.

Okay I just completely overhauled this diary. It is brand spanking new and hopefully easier to read. Plus it's easier to learn all about my life now. Yippee! So the point is that I still have a lot more work but that it's pretty cool for right now.

On to the important stuff. I'm at work. I'm drinking cold coffee and thinking "damn the coffee pot is so far away, and it takes so long to make more warm coffee. I'll just drink this cold stuff b/c if I don't get this caffine in my body now I'm to fall asleep." I have decided that the office is in the artic circle. I am wearing 4 shirts at this moment and I am still cold. Outside the rest of Michigan is humid and overheated, but inside this office building my toes are going numb. My coffee will soon be a coffee popsicle. I don't understand how the man acrossed the hall can be hot, but by some miricle of god he is.

I get to leave in a little bit. I sold a book on and I have to ship it out today. Then I have some free time to organize my life and room before I'm off to see a movie with Melissa and Jeff. It's a big day. I was originally supposed to go to Douglas J and sign my payment contract, but the lady I'm working with changed the date. I'm confused about this free time concept. Maybe I could nap. Goodness I love naps. I wish I had napped more as a child. Well, I guess that is all I have to say for now. You know I'll write more later.

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