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2002-08-07 - 11:54 a.m.

This is my opinion on Spirituality:

*First I want to say I'm not trying to convert you to anything. This is my opinion. I wrote it b/c I have something to say about it. If you are offended by something I say then I am truely sorry. It is not my intention. However, if you are going to read someone's personal diary then you have to be prepared to hear their personal opinions. Now read on.*

Spirituality is a unique topic. I think that Spirituality is different than Religion although to two overlap a great deal. I'd say that I'm a spiritual person, but I am not religious. I do not go to church. I have however read the bible and I do know a great deal about a large number of faiths.

I believe that there is something out there that is greater than me. I think it would be egotistical to feel that I am as good as it gets or that any human being is for that matter. I do like the pagan idea of a being that is made up of many different parts aka. Male and Female. I've never been able to talk to a male doctor or counsler so the idea of only some great masculine being would cause me a great amount of discomfort, especially in the shower. But hey that's just me.

I do not believe that God/Goddess is a pusher, more of a nudger. You know kind of passive aggressive. If you aren't following the correct path I do not think lightning is going to strike you dead that second nor do I think that suddenly you'll get some kind of letter in the mail saying "HEY This is a bad idea! Sincerely God" I do think that there are signs just like when you are driving on a road. Some say dead end, stop, yeild, or deer crossing. You can chose to ingore them, but that doesn't mean they are not there.

I believe everything happens for a reason. I believe in fate not destiny. I've had people ask me what the difference is between the two. I guess I'd say that if you believe in destiny then you don't believe you make choices. Destiny means that your future is decided for you, and no matter what you do it cannot be changed. Fate on the other hand gives you choices. Fate means there are things that are meant to be but you chose what to make of them. One day I am going to die. Choices I make today will affect that, but I cannot chage that it will happen. I believe that some of the events in my life were fate. They had to happen to make me who I am. You can explain it anyway you want. This is just my way.

I do not believe in Satan. I do not believe in Hell (unless you mean the town that is within walking distance of my parents house and freezes over all the time. There is no denying that exists.) I believe that all evil resides in the decisions that we make. I think that people for the most part are good and that we do bad things, but that does not make us bad people. Some people have more bad than good, but I think they are rare.

I believe in reincarnation. My experience with life and math and science tells me that time is infinite and that there are only a certain amount of possiblities. So everything repeats over and over and over again. It's just a really large circle that we cannot fully comprend that runs on a loop. I guess that's the only why I can explain it.

Many religions believe that they are the only correct path. I do not believe this. I think that each person knows what is best for them. We make our decisions about the food we eat, the drugs we do or do not take, and the people we have sex with. All of these things affect our quality of life. Religion and Spirituality also affect our quality of life and I think that as an educated adult we can chose what is best for ourselves. If you worship a giant panda and it makes you happy then by all means go with it. I just think we should treat each other with respect and try to make the world a better place.

Truely I know nothing. I do not even know if I exist. The only thing anyone ever knows is how they feel and what they believe. This is what I believe. Take it how you will.

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