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2002-08-09 - 3:00 p.m.

You ask the questions I just answer them. Now you say, "But only Bands and Other Famous people have FAQ sheets." My response to this is, "Yes and now I do too."

*Okay some of these questions are silly and they have silly responses. Other questions were serious so I answered them seriously. I probably didn't need to tell you that.*

Q. When and where can I buy your autobiography?

A. Well, I haven't actually written it yet. However, when I do it will be called Andrea, Aliens, and Applesauce: an Autobiography and I highly suggest you not hold your breath waiting for it to come out. Since I don't even know what's going to be in it yet. Maybe you should enlighten me with some suggestions.

Q. What is the meaning of life?

A. Life is a game created by milton bradly. There are cars and little stick people. You get money, kids, a job, a house, and other such things. I still have yet to figure out what the meaning of this game is myself, but I do know I suck at it. I wonder if that is supposed to tell me something. hmmmmmmmmm.........

Q. I think I'm in love with you. Can I send you gifts and money? Can I stalk you? Can I marry you?

A. Yes you may send me money and presents I love money and presents. Sure you can stalk me if you have the time and like to do that sort of thing. And I'm going to have to pass on that whole marriage proposal thing at least for the time being, but send me presents and money and I'll think about it. :-)

Q. Do you like green eggs and ham?

A. I do not eat meat. So I'd have to say no. However, I do drink green beer on St. Patty's day. I'm sure green beer goes very well with green eggs and ham.

Q. Why do you write about your personal life so that anyone can read it?

A. Why do you read about my personal life? Why does my friend Adam what to make a movie about me? Why does Cathy write down the crazy things I say? I don't know the answer to these questions. But I guess it's b/c I have nothing better to do with my time.

Q. I really like some of your poems, I'm in a band and I want to use them as a song.

A. Ask me if you can use it and let me hear the song. More than likely I'll be super excited about it.

Q. The poem Butterfly sounds really cool, but hat the hell is the poem about?

A. Okay It's about a guy I was involved with for a short period of time. It was doomed to fail. He hated corporate america, but was very unrealistic. His thoughts on love were basically that it didn't exist. When I say that he doesn't believe in butterflies I'm basically saying that he's unrealistic because he can't believe in something that obviously exists and is very beautiful. When I say he likes black coffee, brown paper napkins and vinegar. I'm saying he likes things that are rough and bitter, but for some reason he liked me. I happen to believe in love (so I have a rosebush in my bedroom) and I'm not bitter. When I say I'm a butterfly I'm saying that he can't believe that he loved me but that doesn't mean that someone else won't. I just wanted it to be him.

*More to come. Keep asking Questions I'll keep answering.*

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